How MindReset can save companies from the crisis after the reopening of commerce
It is an illusion to think that the reopening of trade, which is already taking place in several parts of the country, is enough to end the economic crisis in Brazil, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It will take more than that so that the companies that are still in operation do not close their doors: it will be necessary to
Mind Reset.
In other words, MindReset, which basically deals with the reprogramming of the mind for the new reality with the use of digital transformation strategies, is the way out to save your company from the crisis. This is because the pandemic transformed the way of thinking of the consumer and imposed a series of protocols for reopening the market.
commerce, which vary from state to state, from municipality to municipality, but which have in common the increase in health care.
Therefore, see, in this article, why the reopening of commerce does not end the crisis alone and how you can use MindReset and digitization to save your store, restaurant or food service.
Why doesn’t the reopening of trade end the crisis?
The extended period of social distancing has been keeping businesspeople awake at night, as they are desperately trying to weather the business crisis. In the beginning, because they were prevented from conducting the activities in person, many gave up on their own
business. Those who resisted face the challenge of keeping their doors open even with the complex protocols for reopening trade.
The difficulty in implementing the reopening protocols has raised other issues that cannot be ignored. Would the income obtained on returning to activities justify the high investment, the risks involved and the wear and tear of the new routine?
Since May, several Brazilian cities have made attempts to reopen businesses to stop the damage. However, the supposed way out of the crisis was more a reflection of tenants’ hope than results and, even after reopening, many stores and
restaurants ended up closing their operations.
According to the Brazilian Association of Shopping Centers, the movement is not enough to cover operating costs. Some establishments reported going days without even a single sale or, then, continuing to attend to bill only R$ 50.00.
This shows that just reopening trade is not enough to end the economic crisis facing the world. It takes more than that: innovation and investment in technology.
Examples of reopening protocols around the world
To ensure a minimum of safety to the health of workers and consumers, it is necessary to establish guidelines and make adjustments. This has been happening all over the world with more or less success in certain countries and none of it has been simple, natural or cheap.
Trade reopening protocols involve numerous steps. In China, for example, recommendations went far beyond interpersonal distancing or mandatory masks. There, temperature measurement systems, QR codes that certify that the person has complied with quarantine, mandatory distancing and mandatory closures were also instituted. Respecting the protocols was not an option based on the common sense of the population, but a non-negotiable requirement.
In the case of Ontario, Canada, establishments must signal, guide and control employees regarding the protocols. Prioritizing working from home, operating with online service and zero-contact deliveries are other local government recommendations.
Common points in reopening protocols
The rules are different in each location and according to the situation of the spread of the virus, but some points are common in all countries. Protocols and recommendations around the world are similar in terms of:
● encouraging work from home;
● postponing face-to-face activities that are not essential to operations;
● reduce working hours and promote shift work;
● signaling the environment with health and safety recommendations;
● expanding ventilation and prioritizing activities in open/outdoor areas;
● provide employees with all the necessary PPE (masks, gloves, disposable shoes), as well as gel alcohol;
● organize the environment so that the minimum spacing is respected (workstations, boxes, tables, etc.);
● adopt quarantine for employees with symptoms of COVID-19;
● operate in a drive-thru system, zero-contact delivery (curbside takeout) and delivery whenever feasible;
● prevent anyone not using a mask from entering
● limit the number of customers in the space and prioritize external areas;
● measure the temperature of employees and customers;
● encourage adequate and frequent hand hygiene;
● use disposable materials and frequently disinfect common-use utensils;
● Make alcohol gel available at various points in the establishment.
Reopening of restaurants and food services
In the case of restaurants, a new operating model proved viable long before self-isolation or confinement. Orders via app or phone, pick-up and deliveries (drive-thru, curbside takeout, delivery) are already known – and desired – by consumers.
The reason? Practicality, speed and comfort. With or without a pandemic, people seek agility and convenience.
The establishments that insist on attending in person have encountered, in addition to the complex protocols, other difficulties, as already mentioned.
Restaurants around the world try to adapt their services to the current reality.
What has changed with the pandemic?
It is a fact that the pandemic of the new coronavirus has brought – and will, for a considerable time – innumerable damages to health, the economy and society in general. But it has also brought about a change that many have been reluctant to accept: digital transformation. Consumers changed their purchase routines and behaviors and started to consume more in e-commerce and food service applications.
The changes observed during the pandemic go beyond practical issues, such as the purchasing process and logistics. They affect consumption behavior: the need to reduce expenses, value products that are good for health, conscious consumption to avoid shortages, among other attitudes. This is where today’s biggest challenge lies: adapting businesses to meet new needs, values and purposes.
The consumer mindset underwent a rupture with the arrival of the pandemic. Due to social isolation, people have rethought their priorities. Thus, they discarded old models, based on accumulation, to live with less.
If before the consumer was satisfied and accommodated with the available options, today he sees himself at the center of consumer relations. Aware of their decision-making power as never before, people forced companies to rethink products and services.
It is evident that spending cuts are inherent to periods of crisis, after all, the priority is to live. However, now it is no longer a mere punctual action to be forgotten when everything goes back “to normal”.
Consumers want to invest their money and time in what is really necessary. This minimalism implies high functionality, security, durability and, whenever possible, personalization.
Added to minimalism in consumption, there is a growth in the search for true connections. Today’s consumer doesn’t just want to shop, but to have a relationship with the company. He wants to feel welcomed and represented by the brand’s flags and share purposes.
In addition, the need for belonging and a sense of community is increasingly mandatory for businesses. People relate to companies and, at the same time, engage with other consumers driven by common interests.
How MindReset can save your company from the crisis?
All these changes described in the previous topic lead to a digital acceleration that not all companies were prepared for. An update to Accenture’s Technology Vision 2020 report indicated that COVID-19 has made trends in the previous study, published earlier this year, even more relevant and urgent. Thus, to overcome the challenges of the new times, organizations will need to innovate and reprogram themselves. The question is no longer if, but how quickly can your company redefine itself?
Thus, the pandemic made a new and non-negotiable demand urgent: MindReset.
The term, presented to Brazil by Business Reset, reveals the reprogramming that you, the entrepreneur, must do to keep up with the changes in your customer’s behavior. Know that to continue operating in the market and become competitive,
your company needs to reinvent itself.
You need to create truly user-centric experiences; agile, hyper-connected, scalable and customized products and services. Only in this way will it be possible to meet the needs of this more experienced, conscious and unique consumer.
Therefore, digitizing processes, creating new forms of service through applications and digital totems, as well as implementing artificial intelligence are the ways to save your business from the crisis. Many companies have already realized this and, instead of waiting for the reopening of the trade, they left for the systems
delivery and take away and for e-commerce.
And when we talk about MindReset, it’s not just about accepting digital transformation and automating processes, but assuming that change is irreversible and positive. It is understanding the demands of consumers and meeting them to establish a new relationship between those who produce and those who buy.
How to survive and prosper in this new market?
It is known that consumers will not go back to doing business as they did before COVID-19. Technology Vision 2020 saw an 18% increase in digital commerce spending in the United States. The company also reported that in the 1st quarter of 2020, 13 million Visa cardholders in Latin America,
made e-commerce transactions for the first time.
Seeking technology as a means of innovation, therefore, has been shown to be the most effective way to maintain relevance. In the case of the food service sector, the use of technology is already mandatory and its growth has been vertiginous.
According to AppsFlyer, the increase in delivery app downloads grew 700% in quarantine in São Paulo alone. According to Mobills, a financial consultancy, the growth in sales through delivery apps throughout Brazil was 94.67% between January and May 2020, compared to the same period in 2019. Another proof of this was the recent acquisition of a delivery platform. delivery by Stone, a financial services fintech.
In addition to more app orders, consumers have been spending more on in-app purchases during the pandemic. According to Mobills, Rappi saw an increase in the average transaction ticket. The average expense, until January 2020, was BRL 50.51 per order. In May, the ticket rose to R$ 97.20. On iFood, average spending increased from March onwards, from R$35 to R$42.
In order to survive the period, many companies realized this movement of transferring face-to-face customers to applications and decided to fully migrate to digital. Thus, developing 100% digital food service businesses or establishing partnerships with foodtechs has become the solution for several restaurants in times of a pandemic.
Why invest in digitization?
The objective of companies that have embraced the digitalization of their business model goes beyond continuing to act. They understood that making life even easier for consumers is mandatory, not optional. The food market, for example, is not only reinventing itself, but also serves as an inspiration for different sectors.
Whether with their own app or using a shared platform, restaurants were able to expand their offerings overnight.
In fact, the development of delivery applications is one of the most agile and viable from a financial point of view. With a well-defined scope, it is possible to release a first version of the app in a few
weeks, bringing immediate return to the establishment.
In the case of apps and platforms, some of the technologies that facilitate development are APIs. Through microservices, delivery software can communicate excellently with other applications.
Thus, it is possible to integrate functionalities such as:
● interactive online menu;
payments via QR code or contactless card;
● geolocation;
● push and SMS notifications.
These are the same technologies that will raise the bar for the food service segment through self-service totems. Widely used outside Brazil, the totems allow consumers to be offered even more autonomy, security, agility and personalization. Through their hyperconnectivity and robustness, restaurants start to operate in a holistic and complete way. And, when integrated with sensors with RFID technology or bluetooth beacons, they talk directly to customers.
The time to act is now
Seeking ways to resume face-to-face activities and follow reopening protocols is natural and expected. But promoting a MindReset that follows new consumption habits is a matter of survival. Without this, there is no protocol that guarantees the existence of companies that insist on traditional and analog. In addition, knowing how to use the full potential that technology provides in business is what will separate successful companies from those that will be run over by the current world.
The reopening of commerce should not end the crisis because the 5.0 revolution has already begun. Is your company ready to take on MindReset, keep working and keep growing in this new digital scenario?
The time to act is now! Request a free evaluation and learn how to put technology to work for your business.